Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser Tattoo Removal

There are many reasons why our clients ask to have their tattoos removed.
Do you have an unwanted or unsightly tattoo that you would like removed? Maybe an ex's name, or a tattoo you had done on a holiday when you were drunk 
(it always seems like a good idea at the time, we've all been there!). 
Maybe you have a wedding coming up and you would like a tattoo removed or faded before your big day? Or maybe your tattoo is limiting your job opportunities or affecting your outfit choices. At Skin Fade we only use the latest Q-switched laser technology when performing our laser tattoo removal treatments, giving you the best chance of getting your skin looking tattoo free and back to how it was.

What is Laser Tattoo Removal?
Tattoos can be removed gradually by performing a number of tattoo removal sessions using a state of the art Q-switched laser. 
The energy from the laser breaks down the ink in the tattoo into tiny fragments, which over time are safely absorbed into the bloodstream and safely passed out of the body through the urinary system. 
Depending on the colours used in your tattoo, either a 532nm or 1064nm filter lens attachment will be used.

The Consultation
Before starting a course of treatment we will always conduct a FREE  consultation so that we can:
- Assess your tattoo, looking at the type of ink and the colours used, the age of your tattoo, any scarring you may have from the tattoo itself and the general condition of your skin.
- Make sure that you have no medical conditions that would make tattoo removal unsafe or ineffective for you.
- Explain the procedure to you, how the lasers work, the length of time treatment will take and to provide you with before and aftercare information.
- To explain the limitations and understand your expectations of tattoo removal.
- Answer any questions that you may have about tattoo removal.
- We can also perform a patch test at the time of consultation if you feel you would like to proceed with treatment. 
This enables us to adjust the settings correctly for you, and ensures that you have no adverse reactions when a larger area is treated. It also often puts the clients mind at ease as to how the laser tattoo removal treatment will feel and how quick it will be. 
The first session can then be performed 48 hrs following the patch test. 

Understanding Limitations
- Tattoo removal is a long and slow process, so it is common that multiple treatments may be required to remove your tattoo over a period of months or years.
- Some tattoos may not be 100% removable and may remain very slightly visible - it’s common to have some ink fragments left in the skin.
- Some colours don’t fade as well as others and may require more sessions.

Remember that a tattoo is supposed to be for life, so you are asking us to attempt to remove something that was designed to be on your skin permanently.
That being said, we have produced some fantastic full removal and fading results for our clients.
Tattoo Removal results can vary based on many factors, including the following:
- The quality of the tattoo
- The type, quality and ingredients of the inks used
- The age of the tattoo
- The location of the tattoo (the further the tattoo is from the heart, the slower the tattoo will fade)
- The persons immune system and their lifestyle (if they drink or smoke)
- How well the aftercare is followed by the client

The Treatment
If you have hair on the area of skin to be treated, you’d need to shave before the appointment but this will be covered during the consultation. 
On the day of the treatment, you’ll wear specially designed medically approved safety lenses to protect your eyes from the laser during the procedure.  
An ice pack may be applied to the area before and during treatment to slightly numb the area. Alternatively you may use a tattoo numbing cream which our clients find rapidly reduces the discomfort during each removal session. The technician would then aim a hand-held device at your skin and trigger a laser to the tattooed area. The treatment itself can take anything between 30 seconds and 45 minutes, depending on the size of the tattoo being removed. 
The tattoo should become progressively lighter with a good amount of healing time between each treatment. 
Only 99.9% Aloe Vera gel should be applied for the coming days afterwards and you will leave with a gauze patch to cover the treated area and keep it clean.
Sessions can be performed a minimum of 4-6 weeks apart.

30 Day Rule
The 30 day rule means that the client cannot have laser treatment on a particular area if that area has been exposed to high levels of sun without the minimum protection of SPF 30 cream or lotion. Sun exposure must not have occurred in that area 30 days prior to a treatment (including sun beds), or due to occur within 30 days of the treatment being carried out. Failure to follow this guidance can result in a hypo/hyper pigmentation reaction.

We are unable to treat clients who have any of the following conditions:  
• Heart Disease • Burns/grafter skin • Liver/kidney disease • Haemangioma • Uncontrolled diabetes • Aids 
• Gold injections • Haemophilia • Anti coagulants • Pregnancy/breastfeeding • Keloid formation/scars • Cancer (radiation/chemotherapy) • Epilepsy 
• Psoriasis • Vitiligo • Lupus disease • Active tan (see thirty day rule) • Pacemaker • Clotting disorders • Anti inflammatory medication  • Photosensitive medications (including anxiety or depression)

See below for a guide on prices (per session)
Consultation - FREE
Patch test - £10.00
Per Session - From £40.00
(Exact price quoted upon consultation)

By not paying high costs for staff or an expensive premises in a city centre or high street salon, we can afford to keep our Laser Tattoo Removal prices extremely competitive and affordable. This means we can pass on the savings to our customers without having to compromise on laser effectiveness or safety. 

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