

Proper clinical practices using a Q-switched laser should not create scarring at all. 

If the skin is disturbed during the healing process (picking of scabs/blisters etc) then scarring can result. 

A good technician/clinician will often feel your tattoo before commencing treatment. If there are areas of “bumpiness” throughout your tattoo, then it is likely that scarring has occurred during the actual tattooing itself. 

Sometimes scarring from the tattoo artist can be deeper within the dermis and is undetectable until a few removal processes have left behind some “stubborn” ink. 

It does take longer to release this ink as it is bound within the scar tissue but any of the scarring from the original tattoo will likely still remain.

What many people don’t realize is that any scarring that remains after a tattoo removal procedure is often left over from the pre-existing tattoo application.

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